What Are The Differences Between Herpes & Yeast Infection?
Yeast Infection is very common among people and almost every women will have yeast infection at least once in their life, it is caused by a fungi called candida albicans.
As for Herpes, it is not as common as Yeast Infection. It is caused by a virus that is usually transmitted from skin to skin contact during sexual intercourse. The virus can remain dormant for a while before the symptoms appear. It is a lifetime disease.
The symptoms of Genital Herpes and Vagina Yeast Infection can be very similar. Both can produce intense itching and redness. How are we going to tell the difference between them?
Usually, herpes outbreak will cause more soreness than itching. The itching and burning is usually restricted to one or two specific area whereas Vaginal Yeast Infection can cause the whole area to itch.
Vaginal herpes may cause a lump, but not cause an overall swelling like yeast infection.
Vagina discharge for herpes can be thick smelly and yellow, but the discharge for yeast infection smell like cottage cheese and can be white or water at times. It is advisable to cure these symptoms as early as possible. If it is a yeast infection detected, you can consider to use natural treatment to cure your yeast infection to prevent it from recurring.