*These pictures are found via web and is for representation purpose.
Pictures of Oral Thrush (Mouth Yeast Infection
Curd look alike patches are normally found around the lips, inner cheeks and tougue.
Pictures Of Yeast Infection Around Groin Area
Pictures Of Penile Yeast Infection (Male)
Pictures Of Vagina Yeast Infection (Female)
(Weird, milky discharge)
Pictures Of Baby Yeast Infection
Very commonly found on the buttock area. Normally start off with diaper rashes and when it becomes serious, yeast infection will form.
Oral Yeast Infection In Baby
Pictures Of Skin Yeast Infection
This is a skin yeast infection that occurs in between the fingers area.
If you are suffering from any similar symptoms like these, seek treatment and get rid of the yeast infection immediately!